Australia / Recharge - Additional Leave Options
Additional Leave Options
Sometimes team members may require leave or seek leave which is not covered by our other leave policies. FCTG provides leave to assist in your professional development, and other leave is provided to allow you to fulfil public duties, such as Jury Duty, Community Service Leave or Defence Services Leave. Check out our ‘Additional Leave Policy’ for all of your opportunities.

No matter the reason, there's a leave policy to meet your needs?

Community Services Leave
A permanent employee is entitled to unpaid leave for an eligible community service activity. This includes a voluntary emergency management activity or service for a recognised emergency body. The requested leave period may include time required by the employee to engage in the eligible community service activity, reasonable travelling time and reasonable rest time following the activity.

Defence Services Leave
Permanent employees (full time and part time) can take up to two weeks (or 10 working days) unpaid Defence Service Leave in any one calendar year. Casual employees do not have an entitlement to Defence Service Leave. This leave is not cumulative and cannot be carried over to the following year.

Jury Duty
If you are called upon to perform jury service, you must notify Flight Centre in writing, and provide Flight Centre with a copy of any letter or document which requires you to attend the court for jury service. Permanent employees who are absent from the workplace because of jury service will be paid at their base rate of pay for ordinary hours of work in the period of Jury Duty as per the applicable award wage rate. This is applicable for the first 10 days of their absence only. Absences longer than 10 days will be considered unpaid leave unless a State or Territory law states otherwise.

Natural Disaster Leave
A permanent employee is entitled to up to 3 days’ paid leave in the event of a natural disaster, that prevents you from attending your place of work. A request must be made by the following form, in order for HR to consider your application:

Sabbatical Leave
Sabbatical leave provides Flight Centre employees with an opportunity to pursue outside interests, such as further work-related study, professional development, or relevant travel experience. It is not intended as an opportunity to engage in paid work through other employment during this time. You may be entitled to maximum 3 months of unpaid sabbatical leave if you have completed 5 years of continuous service for Flight Centre and you have utilised all available paid leave options.

Study Leave
Flight Centre is committed to providing paid study leave to employees who are engaged in an approved course of study. Flight Centre will approve a course of study if Flight Centre sees the course as relevant to that employee’s current role or their potential future roles.

Stephanie Fallon
HR Operations Leader
Flight Centre Travel Group
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Explore all your opportunities today...
And make the most of what’s available to you! From Jury Duty and Community Service to Defence Services Leave, we provide flexible options to support your needs.